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human happiness

in the blur of tech and ai we still need human happiness and love
what is the benefit of a self-driving car if we’re swiping tiktoks
how will humans find gainful employment when the creative unlock code is found
leisure time is already a problem
recreational surgery consumes more energy than the wine business
smarter programs are willing to complete all of our thoughts and actions
how will we define happiness in fifty years
what is love to an llm
can i date or make love to chatgpt
if artificial skin is being manufactured alongside beyond meat
will we eat and fuck our genius inventiveness out of existence
how will quantum eliminate all chores and creative jobs at the same time
what exactly will humans do
with all the extra hours in the day
will we become more fit or default to bad habits and an injectable
will reading and meditation make a comeback
augmented humans already walk among us
now science is going for the brain for our thoughts for our minds
how do we plan for our own obsolescence
even our ads for ai are lies about ai
ai is coming for your job
the corporations don’t want to pay you
they’d rather pay google amazon and apple
you can go fuck yourself with your thousand-dollar phone
as if that’s not what you’re already doing
for a minute
turn off your phone
power the magnetic fucker down
now wait
breath in deeply
what do you think
anything come to your human mind
ideas aspirations loves and likes in the real physical world
you can’t swipe or scroll life
a tree a mountain a stream a blue sky a perfect cloud
these are alarm bells calling you to awaken from the matrix
we’ve done it to ourselves
only a few understand the comprehensive power being revved up
and consuming 10% of the power and water on the globe
but that’s just today
our entire planet is on fire
our billionaire prince is shooting for mars while grabbing for more coin
screwing pornstars pop stars youthful women and naming children
like he did with his companies
let him go to mars sooner rather than later
take all his children with unpronounceable names and unlimited debt cards
you and i
will still be here
with unlimited leisure time


*i am here*

© 2023 – a walt whitman ai poem by human john mcelhenney

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