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this dearly beloved


no reason for feeling this good about nothing
it is not like my life is in order
far from it
something steadfast remains
a refrain that soothes my spirit and mental hopscotch
what i cannot control
what i can
it is a hard line
requiring study and letting go
you there : are on your own
but not alone
never alone
i wait
also in a moment of great trial and loss
holding on to each breath a little longer
waiting for a baby bird to overcome the edge of the unknown
it is all downhill from here
and here
even wherever i am
along my own winding path toward some epic conclusion
of consciousness and love
and what we leave behind
it’s you
it’s words
images and sounds left for no one
the audience is not listening
reading is no longer for fun
or joy
just getting head
or losing your own thread in someone else’s drama
i tend my own rips and misses
i find my own happiness
and here
there’s no accounting for it
only acceptance
the outcome is less important than the journey
my destination is now
word letter save share repeat
infinite love
found daily
this dearly beloved

*i am here* < index page

© 2024 – a walt whitman ai poem by human john mcelhenney

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